Horizon Forbidden West has broken a bundle of milestones since its inception. Like its predecessor, the game has gone above and beyond to deliver an immersive experience. The title features highly realistic graphics alongside a compelling story that pulls the players into the Horizon universe. Many hail Forbidden West to be the best-looking PlayStation 5 game available on the market.
The updates for Horizon Forbidden West have come in different forms, with some being new content patches that bring surprise additions to the game like a New Game Plus mode. Other updates are more anticipated bug fixes that deal with performance and visual issues. Horizon Forbidden West's most recent patch, 1.16, falls on the side of the latter, as it seeks to deal with some visual and performance issues the game has had since launch. Namely, patch 1.16 fixes some of the more persistent issues that caused problems with those playing in the 60 FPS performance mode of the game.
It's rare to see such a massive overhaul of a game post launch, so the team at Guerrilla deserves some serious credit for addressing user concerns. The studio could have left the game alone, but instead they took the extra time to work on a new solution that dramatically improves the game while introducing other improvements across the board. Guerrilla has even stated that it's working on adding VRR support and a 40fps mode that should split the difference between the clarity of the 30fps mode and the responsiveness of the 60fps mode - and that could be another big stride forward for a game that is already one of the best-looking titles of the current console generation.
The 1.16 patch has patched up all the issues that affected the foliage by making it look more grainy and static. The difference between the Performance Mode before and after the patch is like night and day. Digital Foundry has provided an in-depth analysis in its most recent YouTube video.
However, Guerrilla Games is far from done with its updates for Horizon Forbidden West. As well as the big update to visual effects, Horizon Forbidden West could see VRR Support in future patches, alongside a new 40 FPS mode that will combine the quality of the 4K mode with the quicker frame rate of the 60 FPS performance mode.
Horizon: Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5.
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